Tuesday 15 December 2009

Welcome to my boring life

Will anyone read this? I decided about ten minutes ago to start blogging and am now suddenly really nervous. Not sure how I'm going to populate this, but hopefully with as much trivia and minutia as possible and aspects of the media that have caught my glare

Trivial story:

Met a seriuosly annoying person the other day. I was at my work, having almost finished having lunch with this very quiet guy I rarely work with and hardly know. However he was sitting alone when I entered the canteen and although I'm genuinely not fussed about eating alone (make no mistake- I'm an extremely self conscious person), I also am not averse to just sitting there for tweny minute talking absolute boring pish to pass the time while shovelling gruel into my mouth.

Anway, he buggered off back to work and then suddenly someone started calling my name, I've only worked in this institution for four months and it's rare for anyone to recognise me. This person happens to be a lot more junior than me, but is very outgoing and friendly and seems a geniunely decent sort of bloke. He asked if I wanted join him and his two friends. Fair enough although I really was getting to the end of my alloted time for lunch. Again I hardly know this guy and didn't know his friends from eve.

So he's like
"how's things"

I was like
"yea alright but I got a lot on this afternoon so I'm just shoving as many carbs into my mouth as possible" (I was having chips [FRIES], vegetable Korma and had [rather disgustingly but also deliciously] sprinkled cheddar chese on top)

a chuckle from the guy I knew

"so you'll fall asleep in a few hours"

came the voice from one of his as yet not introduced friends.

excuse me? who are you and why are you so fucking annoying? what is the thought process behind this? she was potentialy trying to engender some sort of conversation about carbs loading and how you get tired after a bust of energy after simple carbohydrates, but please, just fuck off.

Within the short space of 8 words I entirely have the measure of this person as an annoying opinionated pain in the ass. She's probably doing something fun like being out for dinner with her husband or something right now and I'm at my laptop making a bad job of retelling a boring story that no one will ever read, however I clearly have the moral high ground on this one.

Susan Boyle.

You've just got to love it don't you? After a dissapointing X-factor finale I watched to Subo special, which was OK "I scrub up no to bad you know" and the crying when getting the gold disc being my personal highlights. However the main thing was it led me back to Youtube to watch the initial audition in Glasgow. It gets me every time, her going on about pebbles, the little bitch in the audience that rolls her eyes (fact: this individual has now been vitimised at school becuase of her sneering, poetic justicehttp://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2009/04/27/teenage-girl-in-susan-boyle-video-victim-of-internet-hate-campaign-86908-21311804/) and the looks on people's faces when she starts singing and the line

"I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living"

Too true Sue